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Terms of Reference




The Manitoba Urban Forest Council (MBUFC) was formed by several individuals from various sectors of the urban forestry industry including cities and municipalities, the provincial government, the International Society of Arboriculture, educational institutions, and the arboriculture industry. Leading up to the formation of the Council, a combination of events and changes highlighted the need for a collective organization to represent the urban forestry industry in Manitoba that connects people and combines efforts to protect and manage urban forests in our communities.


The biggest drivers that led to the formation of the Council are;

  • changes to the provincial Dutch elm disease cost-sharing agreements and urban forestry programs,

  • amendments to the Manitoba Forest Health Protection Act and Arborist Regulations,

  • detection of emerald ash borer in Manitoba,

  • heightened awareness of risks to safety of arborists and the public, and

  • rapid growth in the arboriculture industry in Manitoba.

  • ​

In March 2018, a Manitoba Urban Forest Workshop was held in Portage la Prairie, MB in conjunction with the Canadian Urban Forest Network. Over 20 Manitoba communities were represented by attendees ranging from arborists, provincial staff, suppliers to the arboriculture and urban forestry industries, public interest groups, and city and municipal employees that ranged from front line staff to CAO’s. The subject of forming a Manitoba Urban Forest Council to collaborate on and discuss urban forest topics related to Manitoba, and to provide opportunities for networking and sharing of information, was well-received by all participants. The Manitoba Urban Forest Council was officially registered and incorporated in 2019.



The mission of the Manitoba Urban Forest Council is to protect, maintain and enhance urban forests by promoting arboricultural best practices, safe work, professional development, and facilitating information-sharing and networking in Manitoba.



The goals of the Manitoba Urban Forest Council are to provide information-sharing and networking opportunities among Manitoba communities, promote opportunities for education, training and professional development in urban forestry and arboriculture, promote best practices for safe work, and advise on policy and program development. The goals of the Council align with the directives of the working groups in the Canadian Urban Forest Strategy and with the Canadian Urban Forest Network.



The Council encourages representation and membership from all of the groups listed below:

  • City / Municipal / Provincial foresters

  • Arborists

  • Tree workers

  • Landscape professionals

  • Landscape architects

  • Students

  • Educational and research institutions

  • Nursery and garden centres

  • Nursery growers

  • Horticulturists

  • Suppliers of tree care equipment and products

  • Elected officials

  • Corporations


​Board of Directors

The Manitoba Urban Forest Council is governed by a set of by-laws and is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The governance model is one closest to a “working board” where directors take more of a hands on approach to fulfilling the strategic plan of the organization.


The Board of Directors is comprised of between three (3) and nine (9) Directors who are nominated and elected by the membership. The Board appoints the following Officers from among current Directors to represent the Executive Committee: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may be held by the same person.


Roles and Responsibilities

The Board of Directors is responsible for carrying out the tasks of the Council to support the organization’s goals. The duration of a term for a Director is two (2) years, and a Director may serve for up to three (3) two-year terms.

Elected Directors are required to:

  • Know and support the Council’s mandate and goals

  • Attend four quarterly meetings (in person or virtual)

  • Participate in additional calls or meetings depending on the workload and priorities of the Board

  • Read pre-meeting material before each meeting and come prepared to share updates and activities

  • Complete any action Items assigned during meetings within the time allotted

  • Coordinate or assist with the coordination and implementation of workshops hosted by the Council and attend the workshops

  • Provide input on other projects and documents depending on Council priorities (e.g. survey questions, communications and outreach tools, policy)

  • Monitor the response to the organization’s programs and services and provide suggestions for improvements

  • Bring in new members to the Council – reach out to new groups locally

  • Promote the Council through media, partnerships with local groups, word of mouth, and other regional programs








The Chair leads all Board and members’ meetings. The Chair has such other duties and powers as the Board may specify.



If the Chair of the Board is absent or is unable or refuses to act, the Vice-chair of the Board leads all such Board and members’ meetings.  The Vice-chair is responsible for preparing, and presenting to the Board for approval, a slate of nominees for all positions to be filled by election at an annual members’ meeting.  The Vice-chair has such other duties and powers as the Board may specify.



The Secretary attends and creates a written record all Board and members’ meetings proceedings.  The Secretary sends notices to members, Directors, the Corporation’s auditor (if any) and members of Board committees. The Secretary is the custodian of all important corporate records, and changes or updates the records as necessary. The Secretary prepares and files, or oversees the preparation and filing of, all documents the Corporation is required to file in the Manitoba Companies Office, including annual returns and notices of changes in Directors or in the registered office of the Corporation.



The Treasurer manages or oversees the management of the financial affairs of the Corporation, including selecting a bank in consultation with the Board, reconciling bank statements, managing cash flow and investing funds (if applicable). The Treasurer should oversee the development of the Corporation’s financial policies, including cheque-signing authority, expense reimbursement, credit card usage, and petty cash policies, if applicable. The Treasurer oversees the preparation of an annual budget for approval by the Board, as well as regularly monitoring and comparing the actual revenues and expenses incurred against such budget.  The Treasurer keeps the Board apprised of key financial events, trends, and concerns, and his or her assessment of the Corporation’s fiscal health. The Treasurer is responsible for completing, or ensuring the completion of, any tax returns required to be filed with Canada Revenue Agency in a timely manner and making these forms available for the Board’s review.




Advisory Committee

Organizations and agencies, identified by the Board that support, collaborate on, and/or advise on the goals and projects/programs/activities of the Council, are invited to have a representative participate on the Advisory Committee. The role of the Advisory Committee is to assist with advancing the mandate of the Council. Members of the Advisory may change to address specific issues or activities as identified by the Board.


Ad Hoc Committees

Where the Board identifies a requirement, Ad Hoc Committee(s) may be formed to address

specific issues or activities. An Ad Hoc Committee will be chaired by a Director and may be comprised of more than one Director, appointed member(s), and Advisory Committee member(s).


updated January 2021

Photographs on Manitoba Urban Forest Council Inc. website are used with permission of the owner and they are not to be copied or reused.  

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